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Advertising Terms of Service

Please apply after having agreed to the following.

All customers (from hereon "the customer") of advertisement delivery service "Buttobi.net Advertise" (from hereon "the service") provided by SurgeSpace Corp. (from hereon "our company") must agree and abide by the following "Terms of Service" (from hereon "the Terms") .

 * Denial of Publication
Our Company can deny the publication of advertisements at our own discretion and
for any of the following reasons:
- the site is in violation of law or morality or has the potential for such a violation
- the site inconveniences or damages third parties
- the site publishes inaccurate or false information
- the contents of the product being advertised are uncertain or unknown
- for commercial business advertisements, the site linked to in the advertisement does not include
  company information or content in accordance with the "Specific Commercial Transactions Law".
- advertisements for dating sites that do not include company information in accordance with the
  "Specific Commercial Transactions Law" or contain the owner's details
- adult sites that display obscene images and so forth
- advertisements for other companies in the same lines of business as SurgeSpace corp.,
  as well as contents that take applications for advertising
- any other site or person that is deemed to be inappropriate by our company

 * Advertising Fees
As the price of advertising differs depending on the plan, please refer to our price list.
Customer pay for the service they have chosen.
If payment is to be made by bank transfer (overseas remittance to our Japanese bank account),
payment must be made within 5 business days of making the order.
If we are unable to confirm that payment has been, the order will be cancelled.
Transfer fees are the responsibility of the customer.

 * Support
As a general rule, all communication between our company and the customer of the service should be made via the support form, with replies only made via e-mail.

 * Discontinuation of
   Ad Publishing
If this agreement is violated, our company may suspend advertisements without prior notification to the customer.
Also, our company may make this decision entirely at our own discretion.
Additionally, advertising fees that have already been paid will not be refunded.

 * Modification/Suspension
   of the Service
Our Company may, at its own discretion, partially or completely modify, suspend or remove the service.

 * Personal Information
1. Personal information on the service is treated in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
2. Our Company does not use the personal information of customers (from hereon "personal information") for any purpose other than providing the service, and will not disclose or offer personal information to third parties in a form that is individually identifiable. However, this does not apply in the following cases.
- when disclosure is required by law
- when a request for consent from the customer regarding the use of personal information has been sent via e-mail
- when permission has been obtained from the customer
3. Our company has no duty to honor the above statements when requested to disclose information in order to comply with Criminal Procedure Code Article 218.

 * Privacy of Communications
1. Our Company protects the privacy of communications for customers based on Article 4 of the Telecommunications Business Law.
2. Our company does not disclose or leak personal information of customers to third parties, except in the following cases.
- when calculating and analyzing personal information for the purpose of service improvement
- when the above mentioned calculations and analysis are disclosed to a third party
  such as a business partner in a form that is not personally identifiable
- when sent via email by our company or an outsourced company,
  for the purpose of advertising or publicity
- when our company offers customer's personal information to an outsourced company for the purpose of
  service administration, after a confidentiality contract has been signed that ensures information remains
  protected by our company's privacy policy.
- if this service becomes part of another entity or company,
  and the new company manages the information according to their own privacy policy
- when consent of the customer is obtained, information may be disclosed or used
- when it must be disclosed in order to comply with a summons issued by the court,
  or other courthouse demand, order or law
- when our company deems it necessary in order to protect its interests
- When requested by a prosecutor, police or regulatory authorities
- when our company deems it necessary in order to protect its interests

 * Modifications of Terms
Our company reserves the right to modify this agreement without prior notification to the customer.
The changes displayed on this page after the agreement is changed serve as notification,
and customers agree to abide by the changed agreement once shown on this page.

 * Disclaimer
Our Company may, based on the following reasons, freely temporarily suspend the service,
and is not liable for any losses or cost incurred due to this.
- maintenance work carried out on this service or a related service
- a natural disaster, accident, or other situation that makes it impossible to provide the service
- any other situation deemed necessary by our company

 * Governing Laws
These terms of service are governed by Japanese law.

 * Conflict Resolution
In the case of any dispute between the customer of the service and our company,
it will be resolved through negotiation between both parties.
In the case of litigation, the customer and our company will be under the jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.

* This English version has been translated from the Japanese version
which takes precedence in the case of any issues or discrepancies.

SurgeSpace BUTTOBI.NET Department.
(C)Copyright 2002-2025 by SurgeSpace Corporation.